Kids Resources

Here are some of the latest resources for you:

Radiant Kids

Radiant Kids Consent Form

Below are some of the online resources used with our children’s groups, arranged by week.

Sunday 6th June

Our Sparklers and Radiant Kids teaching is part 7 of our “How To Pray” series. This week “Deliver us from Evil”

Sunday 30th May

Our Sparklers and Radiant Kids teaching is part 6 of our “How To Pray” series. This week “Forgive us our Debts”

Related pages

Radiant Kids

For kids aged 5 to 11

Little Stars

Parents and Toddler Group


Gatherings for Years 7-13

A church passionately following Jesus and devotedly serving our community.
Tunbridge Wells Christian Fellowship
The Christian Centre, Hanover Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 1EY 01892 521320

Charity number: 1054380